
Save a Little Boy with CKD-4

NAME: Bojan
SEX: male
AGE: 13
DIAGNOSIS: congenital ureteral deformity, chronic kidney dysfunction, CKD-4, renal anemia
TREATMENT: two treatments of umbilical cord Immunotherapy and one treatment of mesenchymal Immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Save a Little Boy with CKD-4

When Bojan was born, he has no urine due to congenital ureteral deformity. Only 5 months later, he received his first surgery in the local hospital. After the surgery, Bojan could discharge urine, however, his creatinine level was still high (104unol/L). "Our doctor told us that was the best condition of little Bojan. The other we can do was hoping his kidneys could recover."
When Bojan was 10 years old, his parents found that he had little urine. The cystography reports showed ureteral urine reflux in his right kidney, which disappointed the whole family. In November 2010, little Bojan had his second surgery for stem implantation. And then in June 2011, another surgery was accepted for Bojan had odynuria, fever, chill and his creatinine level rose up.
"Little Bojan has had surgeries so many and so frequently. We are afraid that his kidneys cannot bear them. We hope a better therapy to improve his kidney function. Kidney disease hospital can give what we want." his parents told us.

"When they went to our hospital, his creatinine level was 429umol/L and GFR was 10.28. After the consultation of our expert team, we give him a comprehensive diagnosis and make a suitable therapeutic schedule for his condition. First, he needs micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy in order to inject new energy and keep his kidney function well. The surgery for expanding ureter is needed to cut off the origination of kidney disease. Persistent treatment should be continued in order to improve kidney function and return his kidney to normal." His doctor said.
Little Bojan’s treatment is proceeding now. He has received micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy for almost one month, one treatment of mesenchymal Immunotherapy and two treatments of umbilical cord Immunotherapy. "Bojan feels happy here and discomfort is removed after the treatment." his parents told us.
Bojan is going to have a surgery a week later and we hope the surgery and the next step treatment can help him to have a normal life.

