
New Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome Saves Me

NAME: Zhao
SEX: male
AGE: 22
DIAGNOSIS: Nephrotic Syndrome
TREATMENT: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

"I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome in February 2009. Honestly I and all my family members are very scared. Because my uncle died of this disease." Zhao’ words could explain why his parents were so serious and anxious when just coming into hospital.
"In fact, I know nothing about nephrotic syndrome. Doctors in local hospital just told me I lost a great amount of protein through urine and my creatinine level was high. I just felt tired and my whole body was swelling. I knew I was dying for I had the same symptoms with my uncle." He was depressed and told his doctor.
"In the local hospital, they gave him two months’ hormone therapy which did not improve his condition. However, his creatinine level was rising. We determine to find a new and effective treatment and micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy attracted us." his father told us.

"I feel difference in this hospital. I care about my condition very much, so I always ask my doctor many questions. In the local hospital, they never give me answer patiently. However, here experts and doctors explain details about nephrotic syndrome in order to let me know what I can do to coordinate with them to cure my disease."
"After ten days' treatment, I did not see any improvement in test reports although I became more energetic. Doctors comforted me to be relaxed and patient. As expected, my protein in urine and creatinine level was reduced. I was so happy!"

Zhao had received micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy almost for 2 months in hospital and 1 month at school. His 24 hours urinary protein quantity was reduced from 7.5g/d to 0.32g/d. his creatinine level was lower down from 256 to normal range. Now his condition is well and goes back for tests regularly.

