
No Loin Pain from Kidney Cyst

NAME: Sato Aoki
SEX: male
AGE: 68
DIAGNOSIS: kidney cysts (bilateral kidney cysts)
TREATMENT: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

No Loin Pain from Kidney Cyst

Sato Aoki is a Japanese. He has had bilateral kidney cysts for more than 10 years. "Although I have kidney cysts, I never think that I am a patient and need some special attentions to my kidneys. It becomes larger and larger. Over more than 10 years, it has grown up to three times, but I never feel discomfort. So my doctor told that monitoring is the only thing I can do for my kidney cysts." Sato Aoki told us.
Now his biggest kidney cyst is 70*55mm and the smaller ones are 31*25mm and 36*34mm. “about 3 years ago, I felt the existence of kidney cysts in my kidney for the first time. And the pressing becomes stronger. In these days, this feeling is obvious and I always complain loin pain.” he replied me when I asked the feeling of kidney cysts.
"You know that I began to be eager to receive a treatment after I have symptoms. However, there is no effective conservative treatment for old people in Japan. My wife helped me to search therapies online." After several weeks searching online, he trusted kidney disease hospital in china and came here.

His condition is not bad. Creatinine level and BUN level both are well, but he has a slight blood pressure and loin pain. Besides, his microcirculation is not well and his blood is much thicker. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is very suitable for him. It can resist coagulation and clean the blood vessels, so patients’ blood circulation can be greatly promoted. Besides, Chinese medicine can inactive the cells of kidney cysts, which can control the cyst and stop its enlargement. Furthermore, along with the increased blood circulation, the cyst fluid can be brought away by the blood.
After two weeks’ treatment, Sato Aoki was very glade, "I feel no press feeling in the kidney range now and loin pain is gone." He and his wife were very satisfied with the good curative effect and wanted to continue receiving micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy at home.
Sato Aoki left hospital on 6th June 2012 with one month’s medicine. We will monitor his condition following up and hope he will be better one month later.

