
A case of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Hypertensive Nephropathy

Name:Yong Zhang
Gender: Male
Country: China
Mr.Zhang suffered blurred vision more than 10 years and lumbago for one year.10 years ago, he went to hospital and was diagnosed with papilledema and retinal arterial sclerosis. He took dexamethasone for the treatment. After that, he had edema on eyelids. At that time, his blood pressure was 160/100mmHg and he took RELEASE TABLETS. But he changed the dosage without following doctors' advisement with the blood pressure among 130/80mmHg---140/90mmHg. One year ago, he went to hospital because of lumbago and the results of test were Scr 284.3mmol/L,BUN 12mmol/L,UA(Uric Acid) 646umol/L, GFR55.4ml/min. He was hospitalized on November 24, 2010 in Kidney Disease Hospital.

Medical condition before treatment:PRO+ , GLU-, SG1.015 (--), ß2-MG 36.24mg/L, Unag 31.29, UOsm 377mOsm/(kg.H2O), 24-hour's UPQ 1.27g,CL113.4mmol/L, COZCP 13.6mmol/l, BUN9.8mmol/l, CR261umol/l, URIC523umol/l, BMG9.49mg/l
Diagnosis: Hypertensive Nephropathy, Renal Insufficiency (CKDⅣ)
Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy 3 times each day. Other treatment of symptoms, diet treatment(low-salt,low-fat,low-phosphorous,low-potassium,high quality and low protein diet )
Medical condition post treatment:
In Feb.,2011 test results: 24-hour UPQ(Urine Protein Quantitation) 0.98, ß2-MG 24. 4mg/L,CL113.4mmol/L,COZCP 24mmol/L, BUN7.8mmol/l, CR200umol/L, URIC482umol/L, BMG7.5mg/L
In Jun.,2011 test results:24-hour UPQ(Urine Protein Quantitation) 0.6, ß2-MG12.4mg/L BUN8.6mmol/L, CR175umol/L, URIC482umol/L, BMG5.6mg/L
In Aug.,2011 test result: ß2-MG6.2mg/L,BUN6.8mmol/L,CR145umol/L, URIC456umol/L, BMG3.6mg/L

Experts comments: active ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate all arteries and decline glomerular internal pressure, which achieves declining blood pressure. That is because when all arteries are dilated, peripheral vascular resistance is reduced, the function of high level renin is gradually reduced or even disappears. Consequently, the primary condition of Hypertension is also gradually relieved and regains the normal level, which improves effective blood perfusion of all organs by peripheral vascular and relieves the condition of anoxia. Besides, when all renal arteries are dilated, effective perfusion of glomerulus is also increased and it relives the condition of high internal blood pressure in glomerulus. As a result, compensatory hypertrophy of glomerulus is inhibited. Besides, it can also relieve the process of renal fibrosis caused by glomerular internal high blood pressure.
In addition, active ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine also has characteristics of preventing micro thrombus by inhibiting platelet function, preventing renal arteriosclerosis by inhibiting proliferation of smooth muscle, blocking up renal arteriosclerosis through lipid peroxidation. Moreover, Micro-Chinese Medicine has function of antioxidation and eliminating radical.


Back to China for Treatment is a Good Choice

At present, many countries have built a national healthcare system. However, many oversea Chinese still face many difficulties when seeing a doctor for language barrier, high medical expense, limits of therapies and so on. Therefore, many patients choose to return China to receive treatment. Here let's listen to a treatments experience of an oversea Chinese.

I immigrated into the United States 10 years ago for work. Some time ago, I suddenly found edema around my eyelids. At that time, I thought it may be caused by overwork so I did not pay much attention to it. However, over time it still could not disappear. So I went to hospital to have a systemic exam. The exam result really shocked me. I was diagnosed with stage 3 of Chronic Renal Failure. I really could not believe and I thought that the doctor must make a mistake. However, that was the truth. "What should I do?" I asked the doctor repeatedly. He told me so coldly "You have to control your symptoms at present by taking some medicines, but they can not improve your kidney function. If your disease aggravates further, you should take preparations for dialysis in advance. At present, there is no an effective treatment for Chronic Renal Failure at all". I knew he told me the truth objectively, but I still did not want to accept the truth and I did not want to start dialysis at such a young age. I felt depressed for several days and I imagined the dialysis days. I had to plan my daily life schedule around the dialysis session, had to endure the serious complications and so many, many troublesome things. I did not want to give my life totally to a machine. Therefore, in the following days, I searched on the internet. Suddenly, an article attracted my eyes "Is There Other Treatment except Dialysis for Kidney Disease?" I read it carefully. The news made me so excited. It introduced a natural remedy: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy that was an innovation of our traditional Chinese herbs. As I am a Chinese and know much about traditional Chinese herbs, I have much confidence in its therapeutic effect.

During last summer vacation, I went to Hospital and received their therapy: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. To be honest, I am very satisfied with its effect. My creatinine level decreased from 3.5 mg/dl to 2.5 mg/dl. This result also really made my doctor in America shocked. Now my disease condition is keeping stable. Traditional Chinese herbs actually have its magical effect in treating Chronic Renal Failure. I hope one day our traditional Chinese herbs can be found on every corner of the world. I think all the oversea Chinese should be the bridge and introduce our traditional herbs culture to the foreigners.

Mummy, My Swollen Tummy Disappears

Name: Candy
Country: U.S.
Age: 10
Reason for treatment: Candy was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome at age of 7. The hormone can not control its frequent episode and her condition rapidly ever since.
Diagnosis: Nephrotic Syndrome
Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Nephrotic Syndrome is an immunological disorder which affects the blood filters in kidneys. As a result, a mass of the protein leak into urine being followed by a series of symptoms such as edema, high blood pressure, chronic renal failure etc.

Before the treatment:
Candy was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome when she was 7 years old. At that time, her tummy was swollen just like a drum and she even could not walk or stand for a long time. After a period of use of steroid, her symptoms had some relief. However, the episode of the disease was very frequent. She had tried many therapies, but they did not work to stop its relapse.
After the treatment:
Karen started to slowly show improvement few days after starting to receive Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Only after a week’s treatment, her swollen tummy disappeared and the difficulty in breath also had relief. The amount of protein in urine declined to 0.1g to 3.5 g in 24 hours.

The conventional hormone and immunosuppressive agents only can relieve the symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome, but can not eliminate its underlying causes. That is why it relapses so frequently.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can regulate the autoimmune process. On one hand, it can improve the patients’ immunity so as to reduce the infections such as colds, urinary tract infection etc. On the other hand, it can suppress the inflammatory response. Hence, it can inhibit the immune damage to kidneys.
In addition, the effective medicines can provide some nutrients for the impaired renal functional cells. As a result, it can promote the self-repairing of the kidneys thus improving renal function.


A Little Girl Get a Good Recovery from Nephrotic Syndrome

Name: Alice
Country: U.S.
Age: 10
Gender: Girl 

Before treatment: Her urine is foamy for heavy protein loss in urine and the urine protein quantitation is 4 grams in 24 hours. Many parts of her body are flooded with fluid such as ankle, eyelids and even tummy. Her blood pressure is as high as 120/90 mmHg.

Diagnosis: Children Nephrotic Syndrome

Treatment: Firstly, we use some immunosuppressive agents with slight adverse effects to control the symptoms and suppress the inflammatory response in kidneys effectively and immediately. Then Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied to regulate her immunity and clear up the metabolic wastes and pathological stuffs from body. When her disease condition becomes stable, Immunotherapy is applied to recover her renal function.

After treatment: Her urine output increase to 1500 ml a day and blood pressure reduce to 100/70 mmHg. The proteins in urine reduce to 0.15 grams in 24 hours.

Voice from Alice’s mother: I am really grateful for all nurse and doctors in International Center, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. I felt lost when my daughter had no improvement after treatment in our country. Looking at her pale and puffy faces, I felt scared all day long. Her doctor just recommended dialysis.In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, my doctor received the combination therapy of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy. They are really magical therapies. Now, my daughter has a remarkable recovery, no foam in urine, high blood pressure and swelling.
I hope our experience is helpful for children with Nephrotic Syndrome and hope all the patients can find a proper treatment as early as possible. If you want learn more, you can email to renalhealth@hotmail.com.

Save a Little Boy with CKD-4

NAME: Bojan
SEX: male
AGE: 13
DIAGNOSIS: congenital ureteral deformity, chronic kidney dysfunction, CKD-4, renal anemia
TREATMENT: two treatments of umbilical cord Immunotherapy and one treatment of mesenchymal Immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Save a Little Boy with CKD-4

When Bojan was born, he has no urine due to congenital ureteral deformity. Only 5 months later, he received his first surgery in the local hospital. After the surgery, Bojan could discharge urine, however, his creatinine level was still high (104unol/L). "Our doctor told us that was the best condition of little Bojan. The other we can do was hoping his kidneys could recover."
When Bojan was 10 years old, his parents found that he had little urine. The cystography reports showed ureteral urine reflux in his right kidney, which disappointed the whole family. In November 2010, little Bojan had his second surgery for stem implantation. And then in June 2011, another surgery was accepted for Bojan had odynuria, fever, chill and his creatinine level rose up.
"Little Bojan has had surgeries so many and so frequently. We are afraid that his kidneys cannot bear them. We hope a better therapy to improve his kidney function. Kidney disease hospital can give what we want." his parents told us.

"When they went to our hospital, his creatinine level was 429umol/L and GFR was 10.28. After the consultation of our expert team, we give him a comprehensive diagnosis and make a suitable therapeutic schedule for his condition. First, he needs micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy in order to inject new energy and keep his kidney function well. The surgery for expanding ureter is needed to cut off the origination of kidney disease. Persistent treatment should be continued in order to improve kidney function and return his kidney to normal." His doctor said.
Little Bojan’s treatment is proceeding now. He has received micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy for almost one month, one treatment of mesenchymal Immunotherapy and two treatments of umbilical cord Immunotherapy. "Bojan feels happy here and discomfort is removed after the treatment." his parents told us.
Bojan is going to have a surgery a week later and we hope the surgery and the next step treatment can help him to have a normal life.

No Loin Pain from Kidney Cyst

NAME: Sato Aoki
SEX: male
AGE: 68
DIAGNOSIS: kidney cysts (bilateral kidney cysts)
TREATMENT: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

No Loin Pain from Kidney Cyst

Sato Aoki is a Japanese. He has had bilateral kidney cysts for more than 10 years. "Although I have kidney cysts, I never think that I am a patient and need some special attentions to my kidneys. It becomes larger and larger. Over more than 10 years, it has grown up to three times, but I never feel discomfort. So my doctor told that monitoring is the only thing I can do for my kidney cysts." Sato Aoki told us.
Now his biggest kidney cyst is 70*55mm and the smaller ones are 31*25mm and 36*34mm. “about 3 years ago, I felt the existence of kidney cysts in my kidney for the first time. And the pressing becomes stronger. In these days, this feeling is obvious and I always complain loin pain.” he replied me when I asked the feeling of kidney cysts.
"You know that I began to be eager to receive a treatment after I have symptoms. However, there is no effective conservative treatment for old people in Japan. My wife helped me to search therapies online." After several weeks searching online, he trusted kidney disease hospital in china and came here.

His condition is not bad. Creatinine level and BUN level both are well, but he has a slight blood pressure and loin pain. Besides, his microcirculation is not well and his blood is much thicker. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is very suitable for him. It can resist coagulation and clean the blood vessels, so patients’ blood circulation can be greatly promoted. Besides, Chinese medicine can inactive the cells of kidney cysts, which can control the cyst and stop its enlargement. Furthermore, along with the increased blood circulation, the cyst fluid can be brought away by the blood.
After two weeks’ treatment, Sato Aoki was very glade, "I feel no press feeling in the kidney range now and loin pain is gone." He and his wife were very satisfied with the good curative effect and wanted to continue receiving micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy at home.
Sato Aoki left hospital on 6th June 2012 with one month’s medicine. We will monitor his condition following up and hope he will be better one month later.


New Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome Saves Me

NAME: Zhao
SEX: male
AGE: 22
DIAGNOSIS: Nephrotic Syndrome
TREATMENT: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

"I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome in February 2009. Honestly I and all my family members are very scared. Because my uncle died of this disease." Zhao’ words could explain why his parents were so serious and anxious when just coming into hospital.
"In fact, I know nothing about nephrotic syndrome. Doctors in local hospital just told me I lost a great amount of protein through urine and my creatinine level was high. I just felt tired and my whole body was swelling. I knew I was dying for I had the same symptoms with my uncle." He was depressed and told his doctor.
"In the local hospital, they gave him two months’ hormone therapy which did not improve his condition. However, his creatinine level was rising. We determine to find a new and effective treatment and micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy attracted us." his father told us.

"I feel difference in this hospital. I care about my condition very much, so I always ask my doctor many questions. In the local hospital, they never give me answer patiently. However, here experts and doctors explain details about nephrotic syndrome in order to let me know what I can do to coordinate with them to cure my disease."
"After ten days' treatment, I did not see any improvement in test reports although I became more energetic. Doctors comforted me to be relaxed and patient. As expected, my protein in urine and creatinine level was reduced. I was so happy!"

Zhao had received micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy almost for 2 months in hospital and 1 month at school. His 24 hours urinary protein quantity was reduced from 7.5g/d to 0.32g/d. his creatinine level was lower down from 256 to normal range. Now his condition is well and goes back for tests regularly.

Which kind of sports should the person avoid after a kidney transplant?

I can't do some sports since I have a kidney transplant.What sports should i avoid after a kidney transplant?
The better method is for a walk: every week 3 ~ 4 times, 4 PM or after dinner one hour each time, the most appropriate time is twenty to thirty minutes, each time 3 km, or each time you can walk 10000 steps, carry momentum for heart rate = 170 - age. Below is what sports include:
1. continuous aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, cycling, etc.
2. strength training, such as: dumbbell, biceps apparatus, etc.
3. stretching and elastic exercise, such as calisthenics etc.
4. relax and rest, such as qigong, meditation, etc.
Persistent aerobic exercise can help excess consumption of energy, reduce blood fat and blood sugar, especially for obese patients can reduce weight; Power exercise can increase bone density, prevent osteoporosis, increase strength; Stretching and elastic exercise can improve local blood circulation, improve muscle toughness and elastic. Relax and rest is the eastern unique way to exercise, can alleviate fatigue, improve after motion energy.
Tai chi chuan have more exercise all the function, at the same time can massage visceral, regulate plant nerve and endocrine system, improve the function. But the patient practice must pay attention to protect transplanted kidney and avoid local draw-off and compression.


Happiness Returns to Our Family -- From a Stage of CKD Girl

NAME: Alice
SEX: female
AGE: 9
DIAGNOSIS: chronic kidney disease-4, interstitial nephritis, renal anemia, hyperuricemia
TREATMENT: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
"I have a son and a daughter. My son is also a kidney disease patient. He was diagnosed with renal failure and then took dialysis and kidney transplant. I was so sad and worried about my son those years."
"My daughter’s birth gave my family so much joy. And his brother’s condition was steady. They two are angel for me and bring so much happiness to our family. However, four years ago, my daughter was found to have an elevated creatinine level. After hearing these words, I have almost collapsed."
Her mum was very afraid that Alice would have kidney transplant like her brother, so they went to china for a better treatment.

"Since she was ill, my daughter looked very tired. No matter how warm her room was, her hands were always cold. My little princess has not smiled for a long time." her mother describes the previous symptoms in Alice.
"It is so magical! After treatment here, my daughter feels better. Only several days of micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, she actually had sweat in her hand and feet. And then she needs more foods, so she always told me she was hungry before the meal time. I am happy to see my daughter’s changes. Now she has more smiles and wants to play outside."
In order to improve her kidney function, doctors adopt Immunotherapy for her. It is known that Immunotherapy is one of the most advanced treatments in the world. It can repair the tissues in her kidneys in order to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant.

"Immunotherapy is a good choice for kidney disease. I do not want my daughter has the same sufferings like her brother. I believe Immunotherapy can achieve it. I also see the changes in my daughter every time when she had Immunotherapy. Now happiness returns to our family."