
Protein in Urine is Reduced in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Varvara is a IgA nephropathy patient. She had protein in urine for 8 years. Three years ago, her creatinine level began to rise up. As he creatinine level was higher and higher, she decided to try Chinese Medicine to avoid dialysis.

When she came to our hospital, his creatinine level reached up to 619umol/L. In another word, she is in stage 5 IgA nephropathy. Later, his creatinine level was reduced and protein in urine was diminished with accepting Chinese medicine for less than ten days. Now, she had come back to her hometown and lives a normal life.

Do you have interests in which treatments she took?

Toxin-Removing Therapy.

It plays an important role in remitting protein in urine and driving all the unwanted things out of body. It can also protect the kidney from further damage.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

During the treatment, the specific herbs from nature will help the patients activate the diseased inherent cells of the kidney and improve the renal function with less side effects.

Moxibustion Therapy.

While fuming the acupoints with the flaming wormwood, the healthy qi in the body will be enhanced. And thus, the patients will have the stronger immunity and self-cure ability.

If you have any problem, please send your illness conditions and contact information to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632

