
Creatinine is Reduced with Chinese Medicine

Here is the two text reports of the kidney failure patient, Ali. We can see that his creatinine level reduced to 730umol/L from 1o84umol/L. Now, let’s see how he be treated.
Ali from Pakistan. He had trouble with protein in urine for eight years. After the serum creatinine level went up five month, he came to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for a further treatment.
With the Chinese medicines, his proteinuria is alleviated, his creatinine level is reduced, and he is able to live a better life now. During the treatment, he accepted Toxin-Removing Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Immunotherapy and others.
Toxin-Removing Therapy is used to create a healthy internal environment to protect the kidney and promote the kidney to recover by driving out all the poisonous depositions.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help the patients improve the renal function. It will activate the renal cells and enhance the kidney self-healing ability.
Foot Bath can carry out the toxins while the patients are bathing their feet with the medical water. It also take an important role in recovering the renal function.
Immunotherapy is aimed at strengthening the human immunity by waking up the immune system. It is beneficial for the patients to get well.
If you want to gain more information, please send your illness conditions and contact information to us. We will try our best to help you.
E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com
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