
Proteinuria is Reduced Naturally in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Proteinuria is a common clinical manifestation of nephrotic syndrome. Many patients want to treated it naturally as the proteinuria can not only effect the patients’ daily life, but also means the kidney is becoming worse. Here the article shows you how proteinuria is reduced naturally in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

Please look at the two test reports. The proteinuria is dropped down to “ - ” from “ 4+ ”. also, the blood in urine is changed to negative. The 7 years old boy who have trouble with nephrotic syndrome can live a normal life at present.

To be honest, he only accepted Toxin-Removing Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in the hospital. Toxin-Removing Therapy have a great effect on dispelling the proteinuria. The curable ratio is as high as 93%. And, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help the patients improve the renal function with effects and safety.

Do you have serious protein in urine similar to the boy? Do you want to treated proteinuria naturally? Do you want to recover the renal function without transplant? If so, please leave a message below or send your contact information and illness conditions to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632


How to Improve Renal Function for the Patients with 29% GFR

GFR (Glomeruli Filtration Rate) 29% means the kidney can only accomplish the 29% function. In this case, the patients will have many illnesses. Therefore, how to improve renal function for the patients with 29% GFR?

As a matter of fact, the kidney is the major organ of the human body to eliminate the unwanted things from body to keep the balance of internal environment. When the kidney is injured, the harmful which should be ejected from body by the kidney will be retained. And thus, the deposited undesired things will reduce the renal function and impact the effects of other treatments.

According to these, the patients can take Toxin-Removing Therapy to clean up all the remained unnecessary things safely. Moreover, Toxin-Removing Therapy can protect the kidney from further damage and alleviate the symptoms for the patients.

In the meantime, the patients would better to accept Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This external application treatment can take a better effect on repairing the diseased renal cells and tissues. In addition, it can help the patients enhance the self-healing ability. It is a secure therapy.

When the kidney is restored, the GFR will be increased, and the patient can live a high quality life.

If you have any puzzles, please leave a message below or send you contact information and illness conditions to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com
Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632

Is There Any Chance For Me To Avoid Dialysis with Creatinine 9

Creatinine is a waste produced by muscles. And it is considered as a major indication of renal function as it is rarely influenced by other factors. In addition, creatinine 9 shows us that the kidney is damaged badly. Therefore, the patient will be recommended taking dialysis. But, if there any chance for me to avoid dialysis with creatinine 9?

Generally speaking, when the renal function increased to 16%, the patients can live without dialysis. And then, how to improve the renal function?

The patients with creatinine 9 will have lots of poisons assembled in the body, which may lead to weakness, hypertension, swelling, less renal function, etc. Therefore, the patients should take a natural treatment as Toxin-Removing Therapy to get rid of these harmful things.

And thus, the treatments like Oral Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Immunotherapy and other therapies will assist the patients in enhancing the immunity, alleviating the symptoms and repairing the renal function.

When the kidney is renovated, the creatinine 9 will be reduced, and there is no need for the patients to take dialysis.

If you have any problems, please send you contact information and illness conditions to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632


How Swelling is Reduced for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

The Diabetic Nephropathy patient is from Madagascar. He was very happy today. I still remember that when he arrived at Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, he was suffering from nausea, poor appetite, itching skin and other discomforts. And he could not walk around due to the serious swelling in both two legs.

After about one week’s treatment in our hospital, his swelling disappeared. He could have a good sleep at night. And his nausea vanished, and his appetite became better. Are you interested in his treatment schedule and the curative effects?

At first, he take an physical examination and be checked up by our professor. And then, they would talk about his illness condition and decided the curative schedule and the salutary diet he should take. Also, he need to live a healthy life style.

Later, Toxin-Removing Therapy will be used to help the patients clean up all the undesired things throughout the whole body. Toxin-Removing Therapy can stop the damage of the kidney, manage the blood sugar.

In addition to, the patient also adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to repair the damaged renal function. When the kidney is restored, the swelling will be dispelled and the patients can live a better life.

If you have any problems about diabetic nephropathy with edema, please send you contact information and illness condition to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632


Protein in Urine is Reduced in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Varvara is a IgA nephropathy patient. She had protein in urine for 8 years. Three years ago, her creatinine level began to rise up. As he creatinine level was higher and higher, she decided to try Chinese Medicine to avoid dialysis.

When she came to our hospital, his creatinine level reached up to 619umol/L. In another word, she is in stage 5 IgA nephropathy. Later, his creatinine level was reduced and protein in urine was diminished with accepting Chinese medicine for less than ten days. Now, she had come back to her hometown and lives a normal life.

Do you have interests in which treatments she took?

Toxin-Removing Therapy.

It plays an important role in remitting protein in urine and driving all the unwanted things out of body. It can also protect the kidney from further damage.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

During the treatment, the specific herbs from nature will help the patients activate the diseased inherent cells of the kidney and improve the renal function with less side effects.

Moxibustion Therapy.

While fuming the acupoints with the flaming wormwood, the healthy qi in the body will be enhanced. And thus, the patients will have the stronger immunity and self-cure ability.

If you have any problem, please send your illness conditions and contact information to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632


How Kidney Failure be Treated Naturally

Jawad is a kidney failure patient from Pakistan. He had taken some treatments in his own county, but the medicines can not meet his expectation. After being suggested to take dialysis, he decided to come to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for a further treatment.

With the treatment, his creatinine level is reduced, protein in urine is remitted and swelling is dispelled. We can see that he is playing game with our nurse. He returned to the normal life. And he avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.

When he left our hospital, he said that Chinese medicine is very miraculous. Do you have interests in the treatments he took?

He accepted Toxin-Removing Therapy to cast off the deposited poisons which should be eliminated by the kidney. Moreover, Toxin-Removing Therapy can help the patients protect the kidney from injuring.

In the meanwhile, he was treated with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in order to recover the renal function safely and effectively.

What is more, Foot Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Cycle Therapy and other therapies also play an important role in remedying the patients with no obvious adverse reactions.

If you want to know more about the treatments to kidney failure patients, please send you contact information and illness conditions to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632


Kidney Failure Patients are Treated in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Hameed, a kidney failure patient, was suffering from swelling, protein in urine, hypertension and others before he came to accept an effective treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

As a matter of fact, he had been treated in his home town, but the curative clinical effects do not reach his goal. Therefore, he went to China for a further therapy.

At first, he took a detailed examination to make sure what is his present illness conditions properly. And thus, he adopted Toxin-Removing Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Full Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy and other treatments to eliminated the extra water, toxins and waste products from body, enhance the immunity and kidney self-healing ability, repair the renal function, etc.

With the treatments, his swelling disappears, the protein in urine is remitted, and his creatinine level is lowered without dialysis.

If you want to know more about the treatments Hameed took, please send your contact information and illness conditions to us. We will try our best to help you.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Whatsapp / Viber / Wechat: +8618633865632