
Successful Case of Hypertensive Nephropathy

Patient profile: Mr.Du, 30 years old, Shanghai, China

Diagnosis: Hypertensive Nephropathy

Symptoms:dizziness, headache

Main complaints: before Mr.Du is hospitalized in Kidney Disease Hospital China, his detailed conditions were as follows:urine test: protein "++~+++", 24 hours of protein in urine quantity 3g, Scr 220umol/L, BUN 10.5mmol/L; Blood pressure: 180/110mmHg;


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy two times a day for 45 days, one hour in the morning, on hour in the afternoon.

Other medicine treatment: Nifedipine 10mg, 4 times per day; Plendil 5mg in the morning;Luotong 2mg before sleep.

After his hospitalization for 45 days, the results were as follows:

Blood pressure:120/80mmHg; Scr206.8umol/JL,BUN:9.1mmol/L

Expert comments: In clinic, there are some differences between Renal Hypertension and Primary Hypertension. Patients with Primary Hypertension usually have flushed faces but patients with Renal Hypertension often have pale faces because the decline of their renal function accompanied by renal anemia. Besides Renal Hypertension is charactered with the increase of diastolic blood pressure, which is more often to young patients. The main differences between Renal Hypertension and Primary Hypertension is the pathological change, the former of which first starts to kidney but the later first implicates eye ground. Renal Hypertensive is charactered with the pathological changes of renal and vascular lesion. Kidney Disease Hospital China takes advantage of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat kidney disease from the root with good curative effects, which can improve the condition of all levels of blood vessels, repair the damaged kidney.

The Recovery Cause for Nephritis Patient

Peter is a boy who is suffering from Nephritis for almost one year.

15 month ago, he presented edema in eyelid and double lower limbs, then his parents took him to the local hospital for treatment. He was diagnosed as Primary Nephrotic Syndrome and took hormone medicines. After some times, the renal biopsy shows: FSGS(focal segmental glomerulosclerosis), cyclophosphamide has been used for his disease, but the therapeutic effect is not so good.

In order to get rid of the disease as soon as possible, he went to our hospital. Clinical test shows: PRO:+++, TUPr: 5.5g. After the experts’ consultation, they make a treatment plan:

1. He adopted hot compress of Micro-Chinese Medicine, twice a day.

2. Combined with oral taking Western Medicine.

After 20 days treatment, the PRO turns negative, TUPr reduce to 0.16g, and his appetite and spirit have improved greatly. After get the agreement of Primary Care Physician, he went home for consolidation treatment.

Now, the patient’s illness condition is stable, and come back to school for studying. Compare with other students, he has normal life.

The function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:

1. Dilating blood vessels, improve the microcirculation in the kidney, resolve the proper of anoxia which can start the process of renal fibrosis.

2. Anti- inflammation: solve the problem of inflammatory damage which is caused by the renal fibrosis.

3. Degrade the formation of ECM, resolve the problem of cells function lost which is caused by the ECM accumulation.