
Natural Herbal Treatment for PKD Patient from the United States

Name: Justina
Gender: Female
Age: 69
Country: the United States

Admission time: at 01:00 on June 17, 2012
Discharge time: at 08:00 on July 11, 2012

Admission diagnosis: PKD, CKD Stage 3, high blood pressure, PLD, kidney stone

Condition before the treatment:
Justina was found to have high blood pressure (155/100mmHg) in physical examination 20 years ago. Her doctor prescribed hypertensive medications to help control the blood pressure.
In 2000, she experienced pain of kidney area and was diagnosed with PKD and kidney stone in local hospital. Doctors suggested her to take some medications and observe the development of disease.
About 3 months ago, Justina detected that she had creatinine 248 umol/L and GFR 17ml/min. Her doctor told her that there is no other methods but to wait for a dialysis or a kidney transplant. Got to know our natural treatment from www.pkdsite.com, she came to China for better therapy.
Right kidney: 145*79*62mm, Left kidney: 181*92*88mm, the largest cyst in right kidney: 28*25mm, the largest cyst in left kidney: 47*42mm, Cr: 259umol/L, Ccr 23.50ml/min, BUN: 20.7mmol/L, UA 519umol/L, β2-microglobulin 6.63mg/L, Cyc C 2.93mg/L, RBP 95 mg/L, HCY 22.88umol/L, GFR 17ml/min, K 3.80mmol/L, Ca 2.57mmol/L, Na 145mmol/L, Co2 27mmol/L.

Treatment procedure:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is adopted to improve the blood circulation, remove blood stasis, shrink the cysts, repair the damaged renal tissues as well as restore the renal function gradually .

Condition after the treatment:
After the treatment, Justina's illness was treated effectively, and her condition improved a lot. She had a stable blood pressure 110/70mmHg. Her appetite increased obviously with a better mental state. With the doctor's permission, Justina get discharged from our hospital and she will continue consolidation treatment at home.
Cr 237umol/L, BUN 15.0mmol/L, UA 391umol/L, β2-microglobulin 7.11mg/L.


A Case of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy of Acute Chronic Renal Failure

Age: 35
Gender: male
Country: China
Hospitalization: February 23,2010

Back ground: in 2008, Mr.Ding had symptom of edema on legs but he didn't pay much attention to this abnormality. In February 2009, he felt foreign matter in his eyes and he went to hospital. The results were as follows: blood pressure 180/110mmHg, protein in urine "+2", occult blood "±", BUN 9.3 mmol/L, Ser 135umol/L. He took some hypotensor and Traditional Chinese Medicine. But in July 2009, he suffered arthralgia of left legs and took some antalgesic for 4 pills each day about 2 month, which relieved the symptom of pain. However, in September 2009, he suffered other symptoms of dizziness and nocturia. The result of the test was creatinine 900umol/L. As a result he took some medicine such as hormone, hypotensor but the creatinine had been not well under controlled, although it had been lowered down from 900umol/L to 307umol/L. In addition his creatinine increased to 399umol/L again before he was hospitalized in Kidney Disease Hospital, because he gradually stopped taking hormone.

Tests results before treatment: protein in urine"+2", UPQ1.83g,β2-MG 8.77mg/L,NAG 19.7u/g.cr,GGT 13.4u/g.cr,BUN 19.54mmol/L,creatinine 409umol/L, blood β2-MG 10.49mg/L
Electrocardiogram: high voltage in left ventricular, myocardial ischemia of antetheca

Diagnosis: Chronic Nephritis, analgesic nephropathy, Acute exacerbation of chronic renal failure, CKD-4 stage, Renal Hypertension, coronary heart disease

Treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy three times a day, other treatment of symptoms

Results of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:
One month later the results : BUN13.94mmol/L,Ser 409umol/L,β2-MG 9.59mg/L
Three month later the results: BUN12.86mmol/L,Ser 331umol/L,β2-MG 9.33mg/L
Six month later the results: BUN9.78mmol/L,Ser 284umol/L,β2-MG 4.32mg/L
Nine month later the results : BUN9.8mmol/L,Ser 244umol/L
One year later the results : BUN7.8mmol/L,Ser 198umol/L

Sixteen months later the results(follow-up phone ) : BUN5.2mmol/L,Ser 145umol/L

Experts comments:active ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine can promotes amounts synthesis of NO when they permeate into human body, which can effectively dilate blood vessels, expand all levels of renal arteries and rectify vasoconstriction by decreasing prostaglandin. Besides, Micro-Chinese Medicine also has a function of anticoagulation, and it can increase renal blood volume and GFR. Antalgesic is harmful to kidney tubules, which is related with Oxygen Free Radical(OFR). Micro-Chinese Medicine can promote the masses synthesis of No, which can clear away OFR.Further more, Micro-Chinese Medicine has other function such as anti-inflammation and degrading extracellular matrix, which can repair inflammatory damage caused by OFR, and block up the process of renal fibrosis.